Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Straight Shooter

December 1, 1997 West Paducah, KY: 3 students killed, 5 wounded by a 14-year-old gunman

March 24, 1998 Jonesboro, AR: 4 students and 1 teacher killed, 10 wounded by 11 and 13 year old gunmen

May 21, 1998 Springfield, OR: 2 students killed, 22 wounded by 15 year old gunman who also killed his parents

April 20, 1999 Littleton, CO: 14 students and 1 teacher killed, 23 wounded by 17 and 18 year old students

Ya know what? Go to this link and check out school shootings worldwide. Note how the majority take place in the United States.

There are many more instances of babies killing babies. But honestly, that is only part of what this blog is about. What I remember asking myself repeatedly 4 days after the senseless killings in Newtown, Connecticut is what do these gun enthusiasts care more about? Are guns or American children more important? And I can already hear responses like "It's not that simple," coming from the pro-gun gallery. But in my eyes, it IS that simple. Do you want weapons like semi-automatic assault rifles readily available or do you want to watch your children grow up and give you grand kids? In light of recent events, I can't even think about my beautiful 6-year-old nephew and how much I love him without tearing up. The one time I wondered if it had been him at Sandy Hook, I had to pull over and sob uncontrollably on the side of the road.

It's no secret I despise guns. I think a machine specifically designed to take human life has no place in civilized society. Why do we need something in everyday life that allows one human to take another human life so readily? Don't think I know what I am talking about? During my work as a journalist, I have been shot at. Repeatedly. I have seen countless gun violence crime scenes. And some of those crime scenes involved the deaths of children. Don't preach to me about protecting your family after you go to a remote creek bridge in Texas to view a crime scene where a teenage girl had her head blown off and her body thrown off the bridge. She had been shot nine times. I had a sheriff's agent point out remnants of her brain, scalp and hair on the bridge rail. I was more stunned by my lack of shock at what I was seeing. I hadn't even been a reporter for that long, but I realized I couldn't become desensitized to that sort of thing ever again. And you know what? Two of the three men involved in killing that beautiful high school cheerleader were also high school kids. Babies killing babies. Later, the girl's father filed a lawsuit against the store that sold and handed over shotgun ammunition to two of the killers. The complaint alleged negligence on the grounds that the action violated state law on the supply of offensive weapons to minors, and that this negligence caused his daughter's death. Because the lawsuit was brought about in a conservative state, it went nowhere. After all of my experiences, I hate guns even more. According to ABC News, 34 people die as a result of guns every day in America. That is 34 too many. Yes, gun nuts, WAY TOO EFFING MANY!

Back to recent events...its despicable it took the killing of 20 little angels and 6 brave adults to finally justify an outcry for tougher gun legislation. Take a look at that link again. How many Americans died? Many of them were kids.  How many died after 2004 once George W. Bush allowed a federal assault weapons ban to expire? And now, who do we blame?

Blame seems to be a tough word for people these days. I have seen blame put on the NRA, Dubya, Democrats, Republicans, Obama, parents, mental illness, congress, and even ME over the past few days. And in a way, we are ALL to blame. I could have lobbied harder to my local representatives for tougher local and national gun legislation. I could have signed more petitions or sent that one email that changed the heart of Bob Corker or any of my local or national representatives. But we ALL have blood on our hands. Some more than others. We failed these children by being complacent and wrapped in our own little world of "it won't happen to me and mine."

I have never been a fan of the NRA. I don't think a lobby with that much money and power should be fighting to continue to allow death machines in the hands of any American. The fact that this group exists is so ridiculous, it defies explanation. And the further fact that this group is feared by politicians, and in Washington D.C., must stop. We are the people of the United States not the NRA. They are not powerful if the people speak out. And along that vein, the NRA has been surprisingly quiet since the killings in Newtown. All the while, they welcome new members they scared into believing that Obama was going to take their guns. Check Obama's record. He has never even once said he would do that. Well, maybe its finally time he did.
And just in case you were wondering, here is a list of politicians on the NRA payroll:

Is your rep on it? Senator Bob Corker, my rep, is on that list and I will indeed be sending him a concerned email. I'd be surprised if he read it, but stranger things have happened. But let's look at it this way. The NRA gave him $4,950 in 2012 donations. So, I plan on asking him if his support for the NRA and its policies along with the 2004 assault weapons ban expiration was worth the lives of 20 children and 6 adults in Connecticut or 12 people in Aurora, Colorado etc...

And I know that tougher gun legislation is just the tip of the iceberg. President Obama took a huge step this year in signing the Affordable Healthcare Act which also helps with access to low-cost mental healthcare. Americans who need access to quality mental healthcare and medications should never have to pay an arm and a leg for the help they need. Plus, insurance companies should have little say in who stays in and who leaves mental health centers. A friend of mine, who was caring for her suicidal cousin, wasn't able to keep him in a center because, after four days, their insurance company insisted he be released. Why was that? It was because he hadn't tried to kill himself in that time. Doctors and healthcare experts should have a say in when  patients are released. Not the insurance companies. But I heard on NPR this morning from a man who worked in a pediatric hospital. He claimed that children with serious mental health issues are admitted for around one to weeks, then released. Some anti-depression and anti-psychotic medications take 5-6 weeks to begin taking effect. The system, when it comes to mental healthcare, also needs a close look and perhaps an overhaul. 

Another good point is brought up by my incredibly smart boyfriend, who suggests we go after the ammunition. The 2nd Amendment is seriously outdated, but it still says nothing about ammunition. We should outlaw the ammo or at least price it like it's a Rolex watch. We have a serious budget deficit in this country and taxing the hell out of ammo (and guns) would be a great way to help get us out of this financial crisis. It isn't the answer, but it will certainly help. Do you really think drive by shootings would happen daily if bullets costed $100 a pop? 

I had a man try to tell me recently that sugar killed more people than guns. I am not sure as to the validity of that statement, but even if it's true, the argument is silly at best. You can't take a 5 pound bag of sugar into a crowded mall and kill 10 people in less than a minute. You can also control the intake of your sugar. The arguments I hear about cars being deadly is also a heap of crap. Cars are not designed to kill. You don't take a car or truck into the middle of the woods and shoot deer with it. Guns are SPECIFICALLY designed to kill, injure, and maim. And target practice is simply rehearsing to kill, injure, or maim. Oh- and those that suggest we arm principals, teachers, and guards in schools are the ones who really do need mental healthcare. More guns is certainly NOT going to solve the problem. The solution to gun violence is NOT more guns. 

I am well aware that overly expensive guns and ammo, better and affordable mental healthcare and stricter gun laws are not going to prevent school shootings from happening again. But if it will help in the prevention of incidents like Newtown and Columbine from happening, then I am all for it. It's like I told a gentleman yesterday "If  these things can save the life of one American, isn't it worth it?" And I will happily debate anyone who thinks their guns are more valuable than human life. It's an argument they will not win because, as I stated earlier, it IS that simple. Do you want your guns or do you want a safe America?

I conclude with a quote from The West Wing: 
"I do know that if you combine the populations of Great Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, and Australia, you've got a population roughly the size of the United States. We had 32,000 gun deaths last year and they had 112. Do you think it's because Americans are more homicidal by nature? Or do you think it's because those guys have gun control laws?"

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Coughing Up To The Cop Out

I saw the movie Lincoln recently starring Daniel Day Lewis. It's a great film about Abraham Lincoln and the reason he pushed through the 13th Amendment to the United States constitution. Perhaps I am being arrogant (and it wouldn't be the first time I was being so) but it made me think that my fight for marriage equality is more important than ever.

I truly am tired of the complacent people who are fine with being friends with homosexuals, but show zero initiative in helping to fight for their rights.Simply saying that it should be left up to the states or that it will happen eventually is a cop out. That's right. A BIG, HUGE, CRAP LOAD OF COP OUT!

You see, that is their excuse that allows them to support candidates or bills that do not help their LGBT pals. It's what they tell themselves in order to get to sleep at night, I suppose. Being their pal is fine, I am sure. But how would they feel if their spouse was dying in the hospital and the law didn't allow them to be by his or her side? How would they feel if they spent most of their life dedicated to a spouse, and when that spouse died, they had zero say in funeral arrangements or assets or possessions or anything really?

But don't let me try to convince you. Let's hear the voices of a few of my LGBT friends who were kind enough to give their two cents about people who are happy to be their friends, but are complacent about their rights. And as you read these stories, keep in mind, they just might be people you know and love.

LGBT Pal #1:
 I am always taken aback by that because it clearly demonstrates that they don't take me--or our friendship--seriously. It also prompts me to tell them the story of losing my home and livelihood five years after my partner died because his cold-hearted bitch of a mother sued me for his half of everything. And with the lack of laws that would protect my interests, I had to sell our home and most of the stuff in it in order to pay her. As a result, my memories of him are forever clouded by his inaction and refusal to see his family for what they are: prejudiced and bigoted.
I firmly believe that if people who purport to care about me hear that story, they will understand why rights for people in same-sex relationships are essential and examples of basic human rights.

LGBT Pal #2:
I have friends who support candidates who go against gay rights and when I ask them about that, they often say something to the effect of, "Well, it's not that we don't support you, but we have to look out for our own best interests, and the Republican party aligns with our way of being fiscally conservative." I think that's a total cop out and speak up about it. I point out that by supporting Republican candidates, they're supporting people who are against equal rights. I don't want special rights, just equal rights. I want to be able to visit my partner in the hospital, I want the same tax rights, social security rights, the right to be legally married, and the list goes on and on. They often try to argue about Biblical principles, which is an even bigger cop out. I'm very spiritual, and there are hundreds of passages in the Bible that our society no longer lives by, but the right wing likes to pick and choose the scriptures that seem to condemn gays. It makes my blood boil. I have no patience with it, but I think many right wingers have formed opinions based on fear and ignorance. It's often a pointless cause to try and educate them because fear and ignorance build a wall around them.

LGBT Pal #3:
I think it’s easier for someone to say “Well I love YOU, but…” and then proceed to contradict that statement. This is because most people who believe this way have been taught that it’s okay to be homophobic or anti-gay....just don’t ever say it out loud.
How can you say you love and support me in one breath, and then tell me you don’t believe I deserve equal rights or treatment under the law? It’s a huge slap in the face. Most of them don’t get it.
I used this example with a friend not too long ago. She lives with diabetes, but at one point said to me that most people will never even give it a second thought. I turned this around and said “Okay. You know how you live with diabetes every day? That’s how it is for me. You might think about gay rights once in a blue moon, but I live it every single day.” While it’s not the best example, she finally began to understand that it’s not just something I choose to be a part of... it’s a fight every day for my life.
I have found myself in tears many times over the last two elections because of people in my life who, in my mind, just don’t get it. These are people who aren’t even vocalizing their opinions about gay marriage, but chose a side with their vote. While I know that the economy is important, I just don’t see how it can take precedent over the basic civil rights of the people in this country.
However, I think many people in the majority are hung up on the idea that gay people are somehow second-class citizens and thus deserve to be treated as such. It’s the very childish ideal of “We have these rights and privileges but we don’t want to share them with YOU because you’re icky.” It’s human nature to love power and control…and to me this is all just one big power play.
The biggest disappointment is comes from within my family. This is a group of people who have two openly gay relatives (myself and my aunt) and yet still do not believe that we deserve equal rights or protection under that law. Why? Because God says it’s wrong. That’s it. That’s the only reason anyone ever wants to give me.
What it really comes down to in this instance is the need for separation of church and state to be a REAL thing. Don’t get me wrong, I am Christian and I do believe in God, but I refuse to believe a book written by man thousands of years ago should be the social standard of what’s best for the people of this country in 2012. It’s an archaic, backwards way of thinking. If you want to live by Old Testament rules, go back to Old Testament times. The rest of us will continue evolving just fine without you.

LGBT Pal #4:
People who think "progress is just gonna happen eventually" while voting for candidates who want nothing but societal digression, are morons. Regardless of one's way of thinking. There's no such thing as a progressive conservative. The longer this country stays still, the more potential for growth it loses and the more it comes off as a cultural and intellectual wasteland. I'm sorry, but it's true.
And NOTHING regarding even the most basic rights of people should be left up to states. State governments are decided and controlled by the sheep. And yes, there are, and unfortunately always will be sheep. Sheep cannot make good decisions. Sheep cannot think outside themselves and their own interests. And allowing every slack-jawed hick and elementary school drop out to decide the rights of OTHER people is nothing short of criminal. The best example of this: the death penalty in Texas. Texas is the jewel on the Republican crown. Heaps of people are put down without any decent reason. Why? Because the hick dickfucks who are in charge and the oilmen who wanna play God make the decisions.

These are just the words of four fellow Americans who want equal rights. If you still want to deny these people their rights, then find another reason because the excuses are growing old and illogical. Showing your lack of concern by throwing out evasive diarrhea no longer holds water. Admit you care more for a political party than the rights of your friends and family. Thanks.