Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Call Me A Hypocrite

I am a hypocrite. I admit it. I got some not-so-nice messages after my last blog that discussed my complete hatred of guns. I cited mass shootings as one of my reasons and stressed why the deaths of children makes these crimes even more horrific.

Then, the cowards who decided not to air their grievances as comments on my blog, decided to DM me on facebook or email me. They said there was no way I could be pro-choice and anti-gun. How could I advocate killing babies and then advocate not killing babies?

I suppose, however, my alleged hypocrisy has exceptions. It does bother me a bit when pro-lifers assume that just because I am pro-choice, I am pro-murder. That is like saying someone who is pro-death penalty is pro-murder. It's not exactly correct. I know there are some aspects of issues that I like to proclaim as being "that simple." But, abortion isn't simple and never has been. If it were, the Supreme Court wouldn't have ruled on the issue in the first place.

So, let's compare the killing of children in a mass shooting situation versus abortion.

The first word that came to my mind when thinking this through was choice. You see, that is why I am pro-choice. This gives a woman a choice in what happens to her body. With abortion, two lives are involved, not just one. In mass shootings, the perpetrator doesn't walk into a school and first call the parents of the children they plan on gunning down to check if that's okay. When a gunman walks into an establishment with the intent to spray bullets, and the child's mother is not around, it doesn't present a physical danger to the mother. You see, sometimes abortions are necessary to save the life of the mother. Sometimes abortions are necessary if the mother was raped or there is incest. Abortion can be mulled over, thought about, considered and discussed. Mass shootings are obviously NEVER necessary and rarely is discussion even an option.

Now, I understand how conservatives see abortion as just another means of birth control and I know for a fact that it has been utilized that way. Human life is precious and the decision to end a life isn't something that should be taken lightly. But we have all seen Dirty Dancing enough times to know that if safe and medically-performed abortions aren't available, then back alley and wire hanger abortions will begin again. These types of dangerous procedures threaten both the lives of the mother and child.

And it seems to me that most members of the GOP only care about those children being born. Once they are in this world, the charity stops. Many babies are aborted because families can't afford another child or the mother is drug-addicted, homeless, abused or destitute. The GOP is against funding welfare, food stamps, drug rehabilitation programs, low-income housing, Planned Parenthood and other social initiatives. So, they just want that child to be born so it can starve in the streets. Great plan. And I am the one being called a hypocrite by the right wing.

But, as usual, I digress.

I hear many say mass shootings are "God's will," but abortions aren't. Pardon me, but what's the damn difference? I don't believe in the will of any deity, but I do believe in the will of some wacko with a legal arsenal of guns that can take my life and your life in less than a second. So, take the guns.

Just like we don't call American soldiers "murderers" we shouldn't call people who are pro-choice murderers. Our beliefs and our actions are truly for the good of the United States and its children. And THAT is why a pro-choice, anti-gun America is heading in the right direction. It's progress. Deal with it.

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